Sunday, 23 June 2013

Albert Camus - quotations

"Man is the only creature who refuses to be what he is.” 
« L’homme est la seule créature qui refuse d’être ce qu’elle est. » - The Rebel 1951

"You will never be happy if you continue to search for what happiness consists of. You will never live if you are looking for the meaning of life.”
"Vous ne serez jamais heureux si vous continuez à chercher ce que le bonheur se compose de. Vous ne vivrez jamais si vous êtes à la recherche du sens de la vie." The Stranger 1942

word of the day - best - meilleur

Best - Meilleur, migliore, besten
Is that the best?
est que le meilleur?
è che il migliore?
Ist dass die beste?

Monday, 10 June 2013

word of the day - edge - I live on the edge of town

I live on the edge of town
je vis sur la bord de la ville
Io vivo ai margini della città
Ich lebe am Rande der Ortschaft
in ora oppidum vivere

Thursday, 6 June 2013

word of the day - floor

french          quel étage est ma chambre
italian          quale piano si trova la mia camera
german        In welchem ​​Stockwerk ist mein Zimmer auf
latin             Tabulatum, quod est in mea locus

Wednesday, 5 June 2013

word of the day is 'often'

Often - frequently

french          souvent
italian          spesso / frequentemente
german        haufig
latin             saepe / crebro

It all comes back to verbs, tenses and pro-nouns

Struggling as always with avoir, etre, and their tenses. So some practise with the imperfect tense

Imperfect - past tense with no clear beginning or end - I had some cheese...

Tu avais
Il avait
nous avions
vous aviez
ils avaient

je l'avais oublie - I had forgotten
j'avais oublie - i forgot
je n'avais pas - I had not (I hadn't)
j'avais fromage - I had cheese

Past tense - ais, ais, ait, ions, iez, ient

Tuesday, 4 June 2013

ripping from youtube

Fab news. Daughter showed me how to rip audio from youtube, using something with the catchy names of "youtubetomp3.dmg". It worked a treat! Now have a three hour mp3 of l'etranger to play going to work and back.

Saturday, 1 June 2013

new sources of information that I've found

I've got Camus' L'etranger now in books in English, French and Italian; also on the Kindle. But I've just put a link at the top for the Youtube reading of L'etranger in French, read slowly and solemly by a French actor. It's word for word, so very useful following it in a book.

I'm going to see if I can rip that from Youtube and play it in the car on the daily journey to and from work.

Also been advised of a couple of good texts by a colleague at work, that may be worth a look. I've haven't found them yet, but will try shortly and let you know. They're listed below...

Le Grand Meaulnes is the only novel by French author Alain-Fournier.
La Neige en deuil est un roman français d'Henri Troyat publié en 1952