The future tense - le temps futur
This is made up of
the infinitive form of the verb up to the last ‘r’
plus the future ending from the ‘have’ / ‘avoir’ verb (i.e. j’ai, tu as, il a, etc)
I will eat - = manger + j’ai = je mangerai
you will eat = manger + tu as = tu mangeras
he will eat = manger + il a = il mangera
we will eat = manger + nous avons = nous mangerons
you will eat = manger + vous avez = vous mangerez
they will eat = manger + ils vont = ils mangeront
you will eat = prendre (up to last ‘r’) + vous avez = vous prendrez
Irregular verbs future tense
i will have avoir j’aur(ai), tu aur(as)m il aur(a), etc
i will be être je serai, tu seras, il sera, nouse serons
i wil call appeler j’appellerai, tu appelleras, etc
I will go aller j’irai, tu iras, il ira, etc
I will make faire je ferai, tu feras, il fera, etc
I will want vouloir je voudrai, tu voudras, il voudra, etc
It will rain pleuvoir il pleuvra