Sunday, 28 September 2014

le Monde 28th Sept

Quatorze jours de conflit et toujours pas d'accord entre les pilotes et la direction d'Air France, mais le retour à la normale s'amorçait dimanche 28 septembre. Le Syndicat national des pilotes de ligne (SNPL, majoritaire à 71 %) a annoncé la fin du mouvement social, malgré l'échec de nouvelles discussions dans la nuit. Le trafic devrait revenir progressivement à la normale à partir du mardi 30 septembre : les vols annulés lundi (40 %) ne seront pas rétablis, a annoncé la direction.

Fourteen days of conflict and still no agreement between the pilots and the management of Air France, but the return to normal was beginning Sunday, September 28. The National Union of Airline Pilots (SNPL majority 71%) announced the end of the social movement, despite the failure of further discussion in the night. Traffic is expected to gradually return to normal from Tuesday, September 30: canceled flights Monday (40%) will not be restored, said the Directorate.

Tuesday, 23 September 2014

La Stampa 23 Sept

Non sono bastati l’appello del capo dello Stato alle riforme - «sul lavoro serve più coraggio»- né il decisionismo emerso dalle parole del premier Renzi nei giorni scorsi, a placare il braccio di ferro del governo con la minoranza del Partito democratico sulla riforma del lavoro. Oggi una trentina (si va da un minimo di 28 a un massimo di 38 esponenti) di senatori dem ha deciso di presentare sette emendamenti alla legge delega sul lavoro.

Were not enough the appeal of the Head of State Reforms - "on the job need more courage" - neither the decisiveness shown by the words of Prime Minister Renzi in recent days, to appease the government's standoff with the minority of the Democratic Party on Reform of work. Today thirty (ranging from a minimum of 28 to a maximum of 38 members) of dem senators decided to present seven amendments to the enabling law on the job.

Saturday, 20 September 2014

La Stampa 20th Sept

Riforma del lavoro, ecco la carta di Renzi: pronti due miliardi di euro per i disoccupati
I fondi necessari saranno stanziati già nella legge di stabilità. “Si sottovaluta l’enorme portata di quanto stiamo facendo”

Labor reform, here is the card Renzi: ready two billion euro for the unemployed
The necessary funds will be allocated already in the law of stability. "You underestimate the enormity of what we are doing"

Thursday, 18 September 2014

i wonder which language

just been watching the 'life of books' about Virginia Woolf. Does make me wonder which language I'm trying to learn. Maybe it's English that I need to learn. Or maybe the likes of Greek, Latin, Italian, French, German, and English are all the same. Maybe I just need to learn to communicate??

I think linking into the below comment about everything changing holds true here. It feels as if every time I learn something, there's more I realise I don't know. How utterly utterly brilliant!