L’homme du souterrain est un solitaire, un misanthrope, qui se veut lucide et intransigeant. Mais homme du paradoxe, il s’avoue lui-même la victime du labyrinthe qu’il a lui-même tissé…ployant sous le mécanisme de passivité-agressivité dont il est dépendant, il se reconnaît comme la victime consciente de la jouissance de la souffrance.
“I say let the world go to hell, but I should always have my tea.”
“I could not become anything; neither good nor bad; neither a scoundrel nor an honest man; neither a hero nor an insect. And now I am eking out my days in my corner, taunting myself with the bitter and entirely useless consolation that an intelligent man cannot seriously become anything, that only a fool can become something.”
“I agree that two times two makes four is an excellent thing; but if we are dispensing praise, then two times two makes five is sometimes a most charming little thing as well.”
“You don't need free will to determine that twice two is four. that's not what I call free will”
Something more than just learning a new language. Not so simple as that. Learning a new language implies having already learnt the first one. Learning a new language isn't just about the words. There is the context, the history, culture, and sense. There is the need to read and read and read. To observe, feel, and breathe. Now that's learning
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