Tuesday, 2 January 2018

Tuesday 2nd January, first day back at work

Funny few days. New years eve we went to bed at half ten, just couldn't really be bothered about staying up. Which is OK as neither of us was fussed about it.

The 1st January. I was up early and down the gym and back to make Jo a cup of tea. I was tired so we just did a little tidying. Went into town in the afternoon, had a mooch, met up with S&R for a few pints in Brewdog, which was really nice. They are good company.

Started on two books yesterday as well. On top of piling in as much French as possible.

The first being 'The Nordic theory of everything' which contrasts life in Finland with that in the USA.  An interesting start as I'm intrigued by the Nordic 'hygge' thing. All about living in the day.

The other is on minimalism. Explaining how to dispose of the baggage we collect in life and hold onto as we think it kind of defines who we are. I think the decluttering of my on-line presence has got me thinking again.

There was a little pop-psychology bit on p49 that I feel I should note...

'About sixty thousand different thoughts are said to go through a person's mind over the course of a day. Ninety-five percent of that is made up of the same things we'd been thinking about the day before, and eighty percent of those thoughts are believed to be negative.'

Some thoughts to declutter as well as possessions.

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