Monday, 23 December 2013

Future tense - the infinitive up to the last 'r', then add the ending of 'avoir'. Why didn't I realise earlier!

The future tense - le temps futur
This is made up of
the infinitive form of the verb up to the last ‘r’
plus the future ending from the ‘have’ / ‘avoir’ verb (i.e. j’ai, tu as, il a, etc)

I will eat - = manger + j’ai = je mangerai
you will eat = manger + tu as = tu mangeras
he will eat = manger + il a = il mangera
we will eat = manger + nous avons = nous mangerons
you will eat = manger + vous avez = vous mangerez
they will eat = manger + ils vont = ils mangeront

you will eat = prendre (up to last ‘r’) + vous avez = vous prendrez

Irregular verbs future tense
i will have avoir j’aur(ai), tu aur(as)m il aur(a), etc
i will be être je serai, tu seras, il sera, nouse serons
i wil call appeler j’appellerai, tu appelleras, etc
I will go aller j’irai, tu iras, il ira, etc
I will make faire je ferai, tu feras, il fera, etc
I will want vouloir je voudrai, tu voudras, il voudra, etc

It will rain pleuvoir il pleuvra

Tuesday, 12 November 2013

Madame Bovary - Gustave Flaubert

Ne lisez pas comme on fait des enfants, ni pour vous divertir, ou comme les ambitieux, pour s’instruire. Non, lisez pour vivre !

Do not read that as children, or to entertain you, or as ambitious to learn. No, read to live!

Wednesday, 23 October 2013

Einstuerzende neubauten

Die Stadt liegt unter Nebel
Ich bin auf meinem Berg
In meinem schwarzen Garten
zwischen Himmeln eingeklemmt
in der Enklave meiner Wahl
in der ich mich versteck
in Nagorny Karabach

Vormals tiefe Wälder
Bergketten, vielleicht Eis
eine messinggelbe Sonne
verbricht ein Paradies
meine Sys- und Diastole
dazwischen der Moment
getragen von den Vögeln
die hier zugange sind
in der Enklave meines Herzens
in der ich mich verlier
in Nagorny Karabach

Ich steig den Berg herunter
geh ins eine oder andere Tal
es ist geflaggt in allen Farben
in Bergisch-Karabach

Zwei grosse schwarze Raben
fressen die Pflaumen aus dem Baum
Ob die andre Stadt mich lieb hat ...?

In der Enklave meiner Wahl
in der ich mich verberg’
in Nagorny Karabach

Komm mich mal besuchen
ich hab’ unendlich Zeit
und der Blick der ist vom Feinsten
über Wolken und die Stadt
in Nagorny Karabach
Nagorny Karabach
Nagorny Karabach

The town lies under mist
I am up on my mountain
in my black garden
squeezed in between the heavens
in the enclave of my choice
where I am hiding
in Nagorny Karabakh

Once deep forests
mountain chains, maybe ice
a brass-yellow sun
perpetrates a paradise
my sys- or diastole
and between them the moment
borne by the birds
about their business here
in the enclave of my heart
where I lose myself
in Nagorny Karabakh

I climb down the mountain
enter one or another valley
flying flags of every colour
in Mount Karabakh

Two large black ravens
devouring the plums in the tree
I wonder if the other city cares for me...
In the enclave of my choice
where I am hiding
in Nagorny Karabakh

Come and pay me a visit
I have unlimited time
and the view is most lovely
over the clouds and the town
in Nagorny Karabakh
Nagorny Karabakh
Nagorny Karabakh
Chant d'automne (Song Of Autumn) - by Charles Baudelaire
What can I say? I'm an oaf
Bientôt nous plongerons dans les froides ténèbres;
Adieu, vive clarté de nos étés trop courts!
J'entends déjà tomber avec des chocs funèbres
Le bois retentissant sur le pavé des cours.

Tout l'hiver va rentrer dans mon être: colère,
Haine, frissons, horreur, labeur dur et forcé,
Et, comme le soleil dans son enfer polaire,
Mon coeur ne sera plus qu'un bloc rouge et glacé.

J'écoute en frémissant chaque bûche qui tombe
L'échafaud qu'on bâtit n'a pas d'écho plus sourd.
Mon esprit est pareil à la tour qui succombe
Sous les coups du bélier infatigable et lourd.

II me semble, bercé par ce choc monotone,
Qu'on cloue en grande hâte un cercueil quelque part.
Pour qui? — C'était hier l'été; voici l'automne!
Ce bruit mystérieux sonne comme un départ.

J'aime de vos longs yeux la lumière verdâtre,
Douce beauté, mais tout aujourd'hui m'est amer,
Et rien, ni votre amour, ni le boudoir, ni l'âtre,
Ne me vaut le soleil rayonnant sur la mer.

Et pourtant aimez-moi, tendre coeur! soyez mère,
Même pour un ingrat, même pour un méchant;
Amante ou soeur, soyez la douceur éphémère
D'un glorieux automne ou d'un soleil couchant.

Courte tâche! La tombe attend; elle est avide!
Ah! laissez-moi, mon front posé sur vos genoux,
Goûter, en regrettant l'été blanc et torride,
De l'arrière-saison le rayon jaune et doux!

Song of Autumn

Saturday, 7 September 2013

Thunder in the mountains...

very nice pizza and bottle of rose last night. very still the air... is that a light show at the chateau.. a walk to the lake.. Nope that's one heck of  thunder storm coming our way. The clouds approach, then the wind hits... then comes the rain. Fantastic deluge. Eating ice cream under the arches. Very pleasant indeed

Friday, 6 September 2013

nous sommes au Annecy

This is Friday, so that means we flew out on Wednesday, got to the hotel late on that day. Yesterday we wandered around this beautiful little city. Into the old quarter with it's arches and tumbling walls. Ate very well of course; took a boat trip; visited the old jail and the chateau too.

Today, well Joanne's feeling sick, so it may be a gentle start. But was hoping to get into the mountains...

Tuesday, 3 September 2013


on va vacances a demain. nous irais Lyon par avion, et visite plus locations dans la semaine. un photo à Lyon à commence.

Saturday, 31 August 2013

reading French poetry

Interesting site, that recites French poetry and also an essay about the poem. read and listen to both

Saturday, 17 August 2013

Arthur Rimbaud - Sensation

Arthur Rimbaud
Par les soirs bleus d’été, j’irais dans les sentiers,
Picoté par les blés, fouler l’herbe menue:
Rêveur, j’en sentirai la fraîcheur à mes pieds.
Je laisserai le vent baigner ma tête nue.
Je ne parlerai pas, je ne penserai rien:
Mais l’amour infini me montera dans l’âme,
Et j’irai loin, bien loin, comme un bohémien,
Par la Nature, heureux comme avec une femme.

Of the blue summer eves, I'll walk along the paths
Slashed by the wheat blades, trampling upon the fine grass,
Dreaming, I will smell the freshness at my feet
And I will let the wind bathe my uncovered head.
I'll say nothing at all, nor will I think at all,
Yet this infinite love will rise to fill my soul.
Then I'll go so far away, like a bohemian
Amidst nature, happy as if with a woman.

Monday, 29 July 2013

Hello World

If anyone human is reading this, please let me know - just wondering
si quelqu'un est lit cette s'il vous plaît faites le moi savoir - il suffit de demander

Chanson d'Automne
Paul Verlaine
Les sanglots longs        the long cries
Des violons                  the violins
De l'autonne                 the autumn
Blessent mon coeur      hurt my heart
D'une langueur             in the langour
Monotone.                    monotonous

Tout suffoquant            all suffocating
Et blême quand            and pale when
Sonne l'heure,              rings the hour
Je me souviens             i remember
Des jours anciens         the old days
Et je pleure.                  and I cry

Et je m'en vais              and I going
Au vent mauvais          the ill wind
Qui m'emporte             which carries me
Deçà, delà                    hither, thither
Pareil à la                     same as the
Feuille morte.              dead leaves

Wednesday, 24 July 2013

make a wish on a star - souhaitait

wish wish wishy wish dish souhaitait souhaiter
souhaiter - to wish for
souhaitait - wished or maybe wanted
italian - desiderato
souhaiter - sou e tey or maybe sweaty

Friday, 5 July 2013

cartesian dualism

listening to open university podcasts this morning.
ecoute a universite ouvrir ce matin
FIre without light - feu sans lumière - fuoco senza luce

Wednesday, 3 July 2013

word of the day is.... Factory, or usine, or fabbrica, or Fabrik

Je travaille toute la journée à l'usine (fabrique)
io lavoro tutto il giorno in fabbrica
Ich arbeite den ganzen Tag in der Fabrik
i work all day in the factory

Sunday, 23 June 2013

Albert Camus - quotations

"Man is the only creature who refuses to be what he is.” 
« L’homme est la seule créature qui refuse d’être ce qu’elle est. » - The Rebel 1951

"You will never be happy if you continue to search for what happiness consists of. You will never live if you are looking for the meaning of life.”
"Vous ne serez jamais heureux si vous continuez à chercher ce que le bonheur se compose de. Vous ne vivrez jamais si vous êtes à la recherche du sens de la vie." The Stranger 1942

word of the day - best - meilleur

Best - Meilleur, migliore, besten
Is that the best?
est que le meilleur?
è che il migliore?
Ist dass die beste?

Monday, 10 June 2013

word of the day - edge - I live on the edge of town

I live on the edge of town
je vis sur la bord de la ville
Io vivo ai margini della città
Ich lebe am Rande der Ortschaft
in ora oppidum vivere

Thursday, 6 June 2013

word of the day - floor

french          quel étage est ma chambre
italian          quale piano si trova la mia camera
german        In welchem ​​Stockwerk ist mein Zimmer auf
latin             Tabulatum, quod est in mea locus

Wednesday, 5 June 2013

word of the day is 'often'

Often - frequently

french          souvent
italian          spesso / frequentemente
german        haufig
latin             saepe / crebro

It all comes back to verbs, tenses and pro-nouns

Struggling as always with avoir, etre, and their tenses. So some practise with the imperfect tense

Imperfect - past tense with no clear beginning or end - I had some cheese...

Tu avais
Il avait
nous avions
vous aviez
ils avaient

je l'avais oublie - I had forgotten
j'avais oublie - i forgot
je n'avais pas - I had not (I hadn't)
j'avais fromage - I had cheese

Past tense - ais, ais, ait, ions, iez, ient

Tuesday, 4 June 2013

ripping from youtube

Fab news. Daughter showed me how to rip audio from youtube, using something with the catchy names of "youtubetomp3.dmg". It worked a treat! Now have a three hour mp3 of l'etranger to play going to work and back.

Saturday, 1 June 2013

new sources of information that I've found

I've got Camus' L'etranger now in books in English, French and Italian; also on the Kindle. But I've just put a link at the top for the Youtube reading of L'etranger in French, read slowly and solemly by a French actor. It's word for word, so very useful following it in a book.

I'm going to see if I can rip that from Youtube and play it in the car on the daily journey to and from work.

Also been advised of a couple of good texts by a colleague at work, that may be worth a look. I've haven't found them yet, but will try shortly and let you know. They're listed below...

Le Grand Meaulnes is the only novel by French author Alain-Fournier.
La Neige en deuil est un roman français d'Henri Troyat publié en 1952

Tuesday, 28 May 2013

some french PDF books

Monday, 27 May 2013

Blog tinkering

Just trying to add links across the top. Now got French and Italian verbs, plus radio France

Friday, 24 May 2013

Sartre Nausea

« C'est par paresse, je suppose, que le monde se ressemble d'un jour à l'autre. Aujourd'hui, il avait l'air de vouloir changer. Et alors tout, tout pouvait arriver. »

 "E 'di pigrizia, suppongo, che il mondo è come un giorno all'altro. Oggi, sembrava voler cambiare. E poi tutto, tutto può succedere. "

"It's laziness, I suppose, that the world is like one day to another. Today, he seemed to want to change. And then everything, anything could happen. "

Still learning how to blog. So this is my first attempt at adding photos. Rome May 2013

back from Rome

De retour de Rome aujourd'hui. J'ai fini de lire «Nausée» de Jean-Paul Sartre, et sont passés à «Le nom de la Rose» d'Umberto Eco. Un personnage appelé «Salvatore» utilise un bon mélange de français, l'italien et le latin.

La parcelle ci-dessous est tirée de Wikipedia

En 1327, alors que la chrétienté est divisée entre l'autorité du pape Jean XXII et celle de l'Empereur Louis IV du Saint-Empire, l'ex-inquisiteur Guillaume de Baskerville se rend dans une abbaye bénédictine, située entre la Provence et la Ligurie, accompagné par son novice Adso qui est le narrateur de l'intrigue. Dans un climat de conflit théologique entre les franciscains et l'autorité pontificale au sujet de la pauvreté du Christ – servant avant tout de façade au conflit politique entre le pape et l'empereur – l'ancien inquisiteur doit reprendre sa charge à la demande de l'abbé, à la suite de la mort suspecte d'un des moines. Rapidement, ce que beaucoup semblaient considérer comme un suicide prend des allures de plus en plus inquiétantes. Lorsque l'inquisiteur dominicain Bernardo Gui se rend à l'abbaye à la demande du pape, et commence à se mêler à l'enquête, cela est loin d'arranger les choses.
Le Nom de la rose est une histoire en sept chapitres, chiffre symbolique qui représente le nombre de jours et d'étapes de l'enquête ainsi que le nombre approximatif de morts. L'histoire est bornée par le récit de la découverte du manuscrit que l'auteur prétend traduire, et par les conclusions du narrateur devenu vieillard.

Recit, la chute

Il y a toujours des raisons au meutre d'un homme . Il est, au contraire, impossible de justifier qu'il vive.

Sunday, 19 May 2013

Camus l'etranger

Je m'ouvrais pour la premiere fois a la tendre indifference du monde

Saturday, 18 May 2013

Ahhhhhhhhh, we're in Rome!

Abbiamo in Roma. Belissima. Visited the Keats And Shelley museo. "Whose name was written in water"

Sunday, 12 May 2013

a nice regular verb to arrive upon

Most verbs of course are regular. So putting a nice regular verb sequence together for reference

French        Italian
arrive           arrivo
arrives         arrivi
arrive           arriva
arrivons       arriviamo
arrivez         arrivete
arrivent        arrivano
directions getting ready for our holiday in Rome

left sinistra    lefties are always sinister
right guisto ahh, just right, guisto right
straight on dritto hmmmm

where can we find.... Dove possiamo trovare
How do we get to the.... Comme si arriva alla
Have you a table for two please Avete un tavolo per due per favore?

It'll be so good to test it out next week. yippee
just been reading about 20th Century French literature, and how films like 'Hiroshima mon Amour' were developed. Interesting to read the deeper meaning and connections within the film. Also realising how books like Kafka's Metamorphoses, and Camus' E'tranger, and Sartre's La Nausee are link together with Existentialism. All getting very deep.

also ordering the literature book, plus the french version of 'Les efants terrible'. All getting very serious

Tuesday, 30 April 2013

verb - to be

i am          je suis io sono
you are    tu es tu sei
he/she is  il/elle est lui/lei e
we are      nous sommes noi siamo
you are     vous etes voi siete
they are  ils/elles sont loro sono

si vous avez besoin de quelque chose, appelez-moi. je vous dirai comment vous en passer.

camus in italiano

ho capito che avevo distrutto l'equilibrio del giorno, lo straordinario silenzio di una spiaggia dove ero stato felice. allora ho sparato quattro volte su un corpo inerte dove i proiettili si insaccavano senza lasciare traccia. E furono come quattro colpi secchi che battevo sulla porta della sventura.

seems a more poetic killing in french?

Monday, 15 April 2013

verb - to have

this is one is most important. present tense

i have               j'ai                     io ho
you have         tu as                  tu hai
he/she has     il/elle a              lui/lei ha
we have          nous avons      noi abbiamo
you have         vous avez         voi avete
they have        ils/elles ont     loro hanno

Saturday, 13 April 2013

Albert Camus - The Stranger, l'etranger
Just one of the most stunning books of all time 

J'ai compris que j'avais détruit l'équilibre du jour, le silence exceptionnel d'une plage où j'avais été heureux. Alors, j'ai tiré encore quatre fois sur un corps inerte où les balles s'enfonçaient sans qu'il y parût. Et c'était comme quatre coups brefs que je frappais sur la porte du malheur.

I knew I had destroyed the balance of the day and the perfect silence of the beach where I'd been happy. Then, I fired again four times on his lifeless body where the bullets sank in without making a mark. And it was like four sharp blows on the door of unhappiness.

Friday, 12 April 2013

parallel text

gone back to reading 'new penguin parallel text short stories in french'. very useful and getting easier to read

word of the day - wife femme moglie (mol-e-a)

Thursday, 11 April 2013

Driving to work i listened to 'learn french by podcast'. Not a bad site. Coming back though, first listen to Very good with a chap called Massimo. One was 7 new year's resolutions that I think are

  • perdere peso                                             lose weight
  • respendare denaro                                    save money
  • passare più tempo in mi familia               pass more time with my family
  • per trovare un lavoro migliore                 to look for a better job
  • migliorare la mia educazione                   improve my education
  • fare un voyage                                          take a trip
  • ridurre lo stress                                         reduce stress
Nice, bon, buono

Tuesday, 9 April 2013

Harry Potter et la Chambre des Secrets

I had bought an 8 CD set of HP&theSecrets quite a while ago to listen in the car. But it was all too fast about a year ago. Now its time to give them another go. CDs seems so quaint nowadays, so uploading them onto skydrive. That way I won't loose them, and can get them from anywhere.

Hmm, they're about 20Mbps each. So maybe won't upload all. But at least get them on the PC

It starts...

Ce n'était pas la première fois qu'une dispute éclatait au petit déjeuner dans la maison du 4, Privet Drive. Mr Vernon Dursley avait été réveillé a l'aube par un hulelement sonore qui provenait de la chambre de son neveu Harry.

Your race is run. all roads lead to Rome

driving home a listening to Italian podcast 121 that is ok'ish. but heard these two phrases that I wanted tp see written down

Your race is run
votre course se courez
la tua razza avete corso

All roads lead to Rome
tous les chemins mènent à Rome
tutte la strade portano a Roma

Devoir and Devenir

Heard these two verbs on the way to work this morning. I listen to "news in slow French" that is very good. Always get these muddled.

Devoir- 'must' or 'to have to'
Think 'must be hungry and must "devoir" some food

Devrait - Il devrait venir ici - conditional - he should come here

Devenir - 'become'
Think of the "Devine"er, ask God what will become of us?

Monday, 8 April 2013

Just got an iPhone app!

Wow! There are blogger apps as well! What a whole new world!
Il y a blogger apps aussi! Quel a neauvelle toute le monde.


Umm, that last post was Italian. Just in case you didn't realise.

I started with French, and getting reasonable with that. Then thought, as we went to Rome last year, I'd like to learn some of that. Now I find so much the same between the two! Something to do with one feeding the other and vulgar latin and all that.

Start a blog just as Maggie dies

Would you believe it; just set up a blog for the first time and Margaret Thatcher dies. So didn't listen to any podcasts on the way home. Usually listen to French on the way to work and Italian on the way back. But had to listen to the news rather than listen to the Italian this afternoon.

Anyway, it the pronoun stuff in Italian today. There are stressed and unstressed pronouns, that I haven't sorted in my head yet. But
Unstressed today
Mi    Me
To    You (single)
Lo    Him/it
La    Her/it
Ci    Us
Vi    You (plural)
Li    Them(masc)
Le    Them(fem)

As i said, not at all sorted in my head, but will try...

Sunday, 7 April 2013

what does this bit do?

probably some remote postie thing
help, erm. what's this all about? well this is just a test bit